Please join us for one of two community meetings regarding the Housing Element Update. Both meetings will cover the same information, including a project update and opportunity to provide feedback.
- Wednesday, April 28, 2021| 5 - 7 p.m.
Dial-In: 833 548 0282 (Toll-free)
Meeting ID: 834 0345 7727
- Saturday, May 1, 2021 | 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Dial-In: 833 548 0282 (Toll-free)
Meeting ID: 886 2153 3592
About the Housing Element Update
The Housing Element provides the City with a roadmap for accommodating the projected number of housing units needed to house existing and future City residents and guides future decisions that impact housing for the next eight years. The City is currently drafting an update to the Housing Element to fulfill requirements under state law.
Learn more about the Housing Element Update