Community Development

Neighborhood Micro Grant Program

The City of Long Beach is providing up to $5,000 in funding to established Long Beach neighborhood associations to host neighborhood events and/or neighborhood improvement projects. The goal of the program is to support events and projects that improve neighborhood spirit, collaboration, and revitalization efforts. Applications will be accepted beginning Monday, March 18, 2024.

Examples of eligible events and projects include:

  • Hosting a neighborhood block party, or culturally affirming celebration
  • Hosting a food distribution or holiday meal for local families
  • Hosting a neighborhood clean-up and community breakfast
  • Installing neighborhood banners
  • Building a vegetable garden with volunteers and students at a local school
  • Installing a community book exchange library or community pantry box
  • Hosting an employment, health education, or mental health resource fair
  • Providing a physical activity engagement project
  • Providing tote bags and school supplies for local students
  • Hosting equity, inclusion and resiliency events

Eligible proposals/applications will be awarded funding on a first come, first served basis until available funds are committed. Approximately 20 grants will be awarded. Eligible applications received after funds are committed will be placed on a waitlist.

Program Application & Workshops

You are encouraged to contact the Housing & Neighborhood Services Bureau at 562.570.6866 to arrange another time for your organization to get application assistance.

Applicants are highly encouraged to attend the either the in person or virtual application workshop designed to assist neighborhood associations with the preparation of their application:


For questions about eligibility or to discuss potential events and projects, please contact Housing and Neighborhood Services Bureau staff at 562.570.6866 or