Community Development

Structural Code Questions

The surface roughness and exposure category for buildings and structures not within the proximity of the Pacific Ocean shoreline is B. Those within the proximity of the Pacific Ocean shoreline is D. For more information on what is considered to be within or not within the proximity of the Pacific Ocean shoreline, please refer to Information Bulletin BU-021 Wind Design Parameters.

There are no special wind regions in the City of Long Beach that you need to consider in your design.

The minimum design flood elevation of lowest floor is 7 ft for Structure Category II (including majority of residential and commercial projects) & III; and 8 ft for Structure Category IV based on ASCE 24-05 Table 2-1.

To verify if your property is located in a flood zone, please see the City of Long Beach Flood Zone Map, or the FEMA Flood Zone Changes page for a specific property address. For all new buildings and major remodeling (altered more than 50% of the existing building) project located in a flood zone, an elevation certificate is required to be competed. For more information regarding the certificate and instruction, please see the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program: Evaluation Certificate and Instructions.

For more information, see: Flood Hazards.