Community Development

Programs for Building Projects

On January 1, 2020, new State law took effect to create opportunities for accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and junior accessory dwelling units (JADUs) at single-family dwellings (Cal. Gov’t Code section 65852.2). Additional changes to State law now allow ADUs (but not JADUs) at multi-family dwellings as well in certain situations. Beyond traditional market rate construction and affordable housing developments, ADUs provide an alternative, flexible housing model that can help address home supply and affordability in California.

Learn more about Accessory Dwelling Units Requirements

The State of California through its California Green Building Standards Code and as part of the City's commitment to sustainable development requires that certain construction and/or demolition projects divert at least 65% of waste through recycling, salvage, or deconstruction.

Hauling of refuse, recyclable, or organic material within the City of Long Beach is required to be performed by a Permitted Hauler or self-hauled. A list of permitted haulers.

The Construction & Demolition Debris Recycling (C&D) Program, which took effect on November 5, 2007, encourages permit applicants to recycle all C&D materials through a refundable performance deposit. This program also encourages the use of green building techniques in new construction and promotes reuse or salvaging of recyclable materials in demolition, deconstruction, and construction projects.

A Construction & Demolition Management Plan (CDMP) applies to the following projects:

  • All newly constructed buildings or structures.
  • Residential additions or alterations of existing residential buildings where there is an increase of the building's conditioned area, volume or size.
  • Non-residential additions and alterations whenever a building permit is required for work.
  • All demolition projects of any valuation.

CDMP Details

  • How the project will meet the 65% requirement.
  • To whom the C&D Deposit shall be returned.
  • The name of the property/business owner.
  • Please ensure that the Return of Deposit and property/business owner's contact information as shown on the CDMP is correct.

C&D Deposit

  • Applicants are required to submit a REFUNDABLE Performance Security Deposit of either 3% of the project value or $53,425 whichever is less. The minimum deposit is $1,605 per project.
  • Applicants are also required to pay a non-refundable administrative review fee of either $210.00 for Residential projects or $415.00 for Commercial/Industrial projects

How do I get my C&D deposit?

  • Divert the construction material/debris to a certified C&D diversion facility. The program requires applicants to either self-haul or use a waste hauler that is permitted to haul within the City of Long Beach. A list of permitted haulersThe use of any hauler not listed is out of compliance with the C&D Program and may result in the deposit being forfeited.

  • Proof (Recycle Receipts) that C&D materials have been taken to a certified C&D diversion facility that processes and recycles mixed debris. For the nearest facility, visit: or visit

    Disclaimer: The City of Long Beach is providing the list of recycle facilities as a service to its residents and not as an endorsement nor a recommendation of any business or service. Residents must make their own investigation on the suitability of the business or service.

  • Recycling receipts indicating:
    1. Origin of recycled material (City of Long Beach or Project Address)
    2. Tonnage or quantity recycled
    3. Material type(s)
    4. Dated on or after the permit issuance date
  • At the completion of the project, the applicant shall submit the completed and signed Final Compliance Report along with the Recycle Receipts. All documents must be submitted within 30 days of the completion of the project. Failure to submit documentation will result in a forfeiture of the deposit.

Where do I submit my documentation?

Documentation is due within 30 days of the project completion (Final Inspection). Submit the Final Compliance Report and the appropriate CDMP recycling receipts by email at:, or in person at the Development Permit Center located at Long Beach City Hall, 411 W. Ocean Blvd., 2nd Floor, within 30 days of project completion.

  • Projects that meet the 65% requirement will receive a full reimbursement of the performance deposit.
  • Projects that do not meet the 65% requirement will receive a partial return of their performance deposit in proportion to the actual diversion.
    NOTE: If required documentation is not received within the prescribed 30 days after final inspection or if it is determined that the diversion of waste was not achieved, the waste diversion deposit shall be forfeited.

IMPORTANT: The City will not accept receipts that indicate "REFUSE, WASTE, MSW or TRASH." Material must be recycled. The program also requires the applicant to either self-haul material(s) or to use a waste hauler that is permitted to haul within the City of Long Beach. A list of permitted haulersThe use of any hauler not listed is out of compliance with the C&D Program and may result in the deposit being forfeited.

Please ensure to inform your permitted hauler or the facility that the material is to be recycled and provide the receipt(s) to the City of Long Beach within 30 days of project completion with the total material disposed and diverted, by type, in order to receive a performance deposit refund.

For more information regarding this program, contact the Building and Safety Team at 562.570.7648 or

If you own or are planning to buy an electric vehicle such as a Chevy Bolt, Hyundai Kona, Nissan Leaf or Tesla Model X, the City of Long Beach has established a new permit process for installing an EVCS at homes and businesses. Through recently enacted ordinances (LBMC Chapter 18.76), the City has adopted an expedited and streamlined process that complies with the California Government Code to achieve timely and cost-effective EVCS installations. The City encourages the use of EVCS while helping protect the public health and safety by removing unreasonable barriers, minimizing costs and expanding the ability of residents and businesses owners to do charger installations.

Learn more about Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations

A great program that helps make the best use of something we're all familiar with – rain water.

Adopted in November 2010, Low Impact Development (LID) is required for all development and redevelopment projects that create, add, or replace 500 square feet or more.

LID is smart, stormwater management that promotes the use of natural drainage features to slow, clean, infiltrate and capture rainfall. It's an economical and efficient way to replenish local aquifers, reduce pollution, increase the reuse of water and improve the quality of our beaches and waterways. Overall, it will help protect the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers watersheds and help improve the health of the Alamitos and San Pedro Bays for both wildlife and people.

Learn more about Low Impact Development Standards.
The Building and Safety Bureau oversees plan review and inspections of all methane gas mitigations proposed for projects within the city methane zone in accordance with the Long Beach Municipal Code (LBMC). A City GIS system provides mapping for the methane zone areas throughout the city.

LBMC 18.79 and associated Bulletin 055, provide insight into the City’s methane gas regulations. This Ordinance provides prescriptive standards to mitigate methane gas at different pressures and densities.  The Ordinance also provides information on project exceptions based on the type of occupancy and size of projects.

For more information about our methane gas mitigation program, contact the City Plan Review Division at 562.570.6214 or the Inspection Division at 562.570.6278.
The Building and Safety Bureau manages the annual inspection of existing active and not abandoned oil wells throughout the city. A Special Inspection team conducts annual inspections of oil wells and works with well owners and operators to make sure oil well sites meet the City of Long Beach Municipal Code (LBMC) Sections 12.12 and 8.56 requirements.

Additionally, LBMC 18.78 and associated Bulletin 054, provides insight into the City‘s well abandonment “Equivalency Standards” and its administration by the Building and Safety Bureau.

For more information about Building and Safety Oil Well Programs, contact the City Special Inspection team at 562.570.6278.

For oil well annual billings, contact Building and Safety staff at 562.570.7633.  
The California Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI), formerly known as the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD), is responsible for regulations pertaining to licensed clinics. These requirements apply to outpatient clinical services of a hospital when provided in a freestanding building, primary care clinic, specialty clinic, and psychology clinic.  For more information, contact David Khorram, Building Official, at 562.570.7713.


2013 California Building Code Title 24

  • Chapter 12, Section 1226
  • Chapter 11B, Section 11B-805

2013 California Electrical Code

  • Article 517 - Health Care Facilities

2013 California Mechanical Code

  • Chapter 12, Section 1226

2013 California Plumbing Code

  • Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 - OSHPD 3 Amendments

The City of Long Beach (City) is committed to encouraging and supporting the installation of rooftop solar PV systems that generates renewable energy, provides stable electricity, and reduces pollution. The City permits such installations by reviewing, approving, and issuing most construction permits (electrical and/or building) over the public counter process. The inspection of these projects can be scheduled and conducted at the convenience of the applicant upon the issuance of the construction permits.

Learn more about Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Requirements

In California, stormwater pollution is a major source of water pollution. To help combat this, Federal and State governments have developed a program for monitoring and permitting discharges to municipal storm drain systems, creeks, and water bodies such as the Pacific Ocean.

Municipalities in the Los Angeles area are required by the Clean Water Act to develop stormwater management programs that include requirements for construction activities. Your construction project will need to comply with local municipal requirements. If your construction activity will disturb five acres or more, you must also obtain coverage under the General Construction Activity Permit.

Learn more about the Stormwater Program
The Long Beach Municipal Code 18.04.070 requires any person applying for a permit to perform work on large construction projects, including, residential and mixed use projects consisting of fifty (50) or more dwelling units, or commercial projects consisting of fifty thousand (50,000) square feet or more of new construction, shall submit the following additional information at the time of permit issuance, prior to commencement of work, or anytime a subcontractors are added or replaced:

A list of all contractors, subcontractors, and verification of each subcontractor’s workers’ compensation insurance policy number and expiration date; state contractor’s license number, classification and expiration date; and City business license number and expiration date.

A disclosure of any pending or previous enforcement actions, penalties paid for state or federal labor code violations, and the penalties for non-compliance, including the issuance of a Stop Work Notice, previous five (5) years for all subcontractors.

A disclosure of any allocations of healthcare expenditures made to or on behalf of each construction worker and for their contractors and subcontractors.