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Plan to End Homelessness

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Homelessness Strategic Plan Update 

The City of Long Beach is committed to addressing the needs of people experiencing homelessness in our community. As part of this effort, we are updating our Homelessness Strategic Plan to build on the progress made following the end of the City’s Homelessness Emergency in February 2024 and the successful completion of the Everyone Home Taskforce recommendations.   

This new comprehensive homelessness strategic plan update will be developed in collaboration with City Fabrick, a Long Beach-based design and planning firm, to conduct community engagement that prioritizes the programs and projects that will have the most impact over the next five years. Community members are encouraged to visit the Health Department’s event calendar to find out about open houses, public meetings, surveys and other opportunities to provide input on this effort.

As part of the Homelessness Strategic Plan Update, the City will host an Open House on Thursday, September 26, 2024, at the Ronald R. Arias Health Equity Center from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. (6335 Myrtle Ave, Long Beach, CA 90805). RSVP here: lbcity.info/openhouse  

The Open House will serve as an opportunity to learn more about the City’s Strategic Plan Update progress, process and the realities of homelessness in Long Beach. Attendees will have the opportunity to see a summary of the input from numerous listening sessions and a community survey conducted thus far as part of the initiative. There will also be a space for community members to voice their ideas, concerns and solutions regarding homelessness in Long Beach, as the City strives to create a more inclusive and supportive community for all.