Long Beach Comprehensive HIV Planning Group
How is the Planning Group Structured?
The Long Beach HIV Planning Group meets quarterly (January, April, July and October).
There is no fee to be a member. Meetings are open to all persons affected, afflicted, or working with HIV in the Long Beach area. This includes key stakeholders such as the gay community, Los Angeles County STD and Division of HIV and STD Programs (DHSP) and Policy representatives, substance abuse treatment centers, mental health agencies, social service agencies, elected officials, community members, and other individuals or groups who support the mission of the Planning Group.
How Can I Join the Planning Group?
Membership in the Planning Group is open to persons living in the Long Beach area, working in HIV related services in Long Beach, or receiving services from Long Beach area HIV agencies. You can join the group by sending an email to Belinda.Prado@longbeach.gov, or by attending any of the meetings and adding your email address and pertinent information to the sign in sheet. There is no fee to be a member.
What is the Long Beach HIV Comprehensive Planning Group?
The Long Beach Comprehensive HIV Planning Group is the local body for HIV prevention and care program planning in the City of Long Beach. The primary task of the Planning Group is to develop a comprehensive HIV prevention plan that includes prioritized target populations and a set of prevention and treatment activities/interventions for each target population.
What is the Mission of the Planning Group?
The Planning Group provides the basis for increased and continued interagency cooperation, coordination and collaboration in efforts to provide HIV related programs in the Long Beach area.
What are the Benefits of Joining the Planning Group?
By joining the Planning Group, you can learn the latest information on HIV prevention, get linked to other service providers, get training and technical assistance on a variety of topics (such as program planning, evaluation, and capacity building), collaborate with other agencies on grants and programs, and be a leader in HIV prevention.