What does our Vector Control Program do to combat WNV?
Vector Control Specialists, in the Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Environmental Health, work daily to protect public health and safety by providing vector control services and education to the citizens of Long Beach.
The program has been in existence for over 30 years. The Vector Control Specialists are extensively trained in mosquito abatement and control to eliminate problems associated with West Nile Virus. They must pass several State exams to obtain their licenses, and continue to take training to complete continuing education units to stay current in their field. Long Beach DHHS Vector Control Program is responsible for vector control services in the City of Long Beach with the exception of areas east of Lakewood Blvd (served by Greater Los Angeles Vector Control District) and a small area in the northwest section of Long Beach (served by Compton Creek Mosquito Abatement District). See map on "Latest Activity" tab. Mosquito surveillance, abatement and control plays an important part in limiting the spread of the disease. Education and Outreach to the public is also an important component in battling WNV.