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Mental Health Resource Guide: English | Spanish (coming soon)


There are ways to get support with mental health, even if you do not have health insurance. Talk to your primary care doctor or another health professional about your mental health and ask them to connect you with mental health services. If you are currently uninsured, reach out to the Health Department’s Medi-Cal Outreach Team today!

If you do not have a health professional who is able to assist you, the following resources can help you find help for yourself or a loved one.

For a complete list of Long Beach area mental health providers, please visit the Long Beach Mental Health Resource Guide.


For 24/7 help, please call the LACDMH Help Line at (800) 854-7771or text “LA” to 741741. The Help Line serves as the primary entry point for behavioral health services provided by LACDMH, including:  

  • ACCESS Line for Service Referrals, Crisis Assessments and Field Deployments – available 24/7: 
    • Mental health screening and assessment
    • Referral to a service provider
    • Crisis counseling
    • Mobilizing field response teams
    • Linkages to well-being services and resources
  • Emotional Support Warm Line with Trained Active Listeners – available 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily.
  • Veteran Line for Mental Health Support and Connection to Veteran Programs – available 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily.


LACDMH also offers iPrevail, a free online one-of-a-kind network of mental health support. From interactive lessons, chats with peer support coaches, to topic-based community support groups, Los Angeles County residents can access free mental health services, support, and resources online here. 

For additional mental health resources, please visit the LACDMH Mental Health Resource page. For more information about LACDMH in general, please visit the LACDMH website. 


The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health offers a Teen Mental Health Toolkit for parents or guardians and teens here.


Here are some additional places to find mental health support and information:  

MentalHealth.CA.gov is a one-stop website for people seeking mental health resources available to Californians. Accompanying these life-saving resources is initial high-level information and resources about the ongoing transformation of the state’s behavioral health system, 

California Youth Behavioral Health Initiative 

The Children & Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI) is an initiative from California Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS), aimed atbringing behavioral health services and supports for children, youth, and families to the spaces where their lives are lived, including in homes, communities, schools, and online.Click here to access their free online resources, including:  

  • BrightLife Kids for confidential behavioral health coaching, tools, and resources for parents or caregivers and children ages 0-12
  • Soluna for confidential behavioral health support, multimedia resources, and peer communities for youth ages 13-25.
  • Never a Bother for resources such as palm cards, posters, talking points, and more to learn about youth suicide prevention and how to support youth before, during, and after a crisis.
  • Take Space to Pause for public education with the goal of reducing stigma around mental health and inspiring California teens to seek help before mental health challenges escalate.
  • Plus more!

See more information about CYBHI and California’s Master Plan for Kids’ Mental Health here.  


If you have questions or need help connecting to resources, please call the Long Beach Resource Line at 562.570.4246. The LB Resource Line is a hotline that supports anyone in Long Beach who needs help finding local, City and community resources.Calls are answered Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. You can also submit your contact information through our Assistance Request Form.

Connect with trained Resource Navigators for assistance with:

  • Housing
  • Food Access
  • Utilities
  • Transportation
  • Legal Aid
  • Mental and Physical Health and more!


    Call the Health Department’s Medi-Cal Outreach Team at 562-570-7979 to see if you qualify for health insurance.

    The following are federally qualified health centers in Long Beach that provide primary care services regardless of your ability to pay:

    • APLA Health Center - (562) 247-7740
    • Benevolence Health Centers - (562) 437-1888
    • Community Medical Wellness Clinic USA - (562) 270-0324
    • Serenity Care Health Group - (562) 478-4102
    • TCC Family Health - (844) 822-4646

    Medi-Cal can cover outpatient mental health services such as:

    • Individual or group counseling
    • Outpatient specialty mental health services
    • Inpatient mental health services
    • Outpatient substance use disorder services
    • Residential treatment services
    • Voluntary inpatient detoxification

    To find out how you to get connected through Medi-Cal, contact your Medi-Cal managed care plan or call the Medi-Cal Mental Health Care Ombudsman at 800-896-4042 and ask for an assessment of needed services.

    Now that the Public Health Emergency is set to end, Annual Redeterminations for Medi-Cal will resume in April 2023. Failure to submit your Annual Redetermination will result in a TERMINATION of your Medi-Cal. Complete and return your Annual Redeterminations before the deadline along with your proof of income to ensure your coverage continues. For more information, visit our MediCal Outreach Program webpage.


    Most individual and small group health insurance plans must have coverage of essential health benefits, which include mental health and substance use disorder services as well as rehabilitative and habilitative services.

    Medicaid Alternative Benefit Plans also must cover mental health and substance use disorder services.

    To find out if you have mental health coverage, call the number listed on the back of your insurance card.


    To access services in Long Beach, contact the VA Medical Center at 562-826-5603.

    If you would like additional support in finding the best fit for you, please call the Long Beach Resource Line, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 562-570-4246


    Finding mental health support can be overwhelming and difficult to know where to start. Here are some questions to help guide your search for resources that are best for you! 

    Step 1: Decide what you would like to address first 

    There may be a lot of different areas of your mental health that you want support in. As a starting point, narrow things down to what is challenging you the most. Some examples could be feelings of deep sadness, worrying a lot, or dealing with life stressors. By deciding what you would like to address first, you are ready for step 2. 

    Step 2: Decide what type of support you feel most comfortable with 

    Now that you have decided what you would like to address, you are ready to decide how you would like to receive services. Your experience with mental health is unique to you and there are a variety of options for support. Individual therapy can be a great option for some, while others may feel more comfortable in a support group with a specific focus. These can be groups for grief or parenting, or even social groups for activities like hiking, cooking, and reading. Once you have decided on how you would like to receive support, you are ready for step 3. 

    Step 3: Prepare to find support 

    Reaching out for mental health support can feel uneasy, which is why it is so important to feel comfortable with the resources you access. You can search for resources that validate and accommodate your needs, like checking whether they offer services in multiple languages or incorporate shared cultural values, if they offer appointment times that fit your schedule, your budget needs, etc. You can also set up an interview with service providers to determine if they’re the right fit for you! 

    Step 4: Find support 

    Now that you’ve gone through these steps, you are ready to find support! 



    Self-care is taking time to do things that help your overall wellness, including both your physical health and mental health. Self-care looks different for everyone and can include activities like spending time in nature, writing in a journal, taking a break to rest, and connecting with family and friends. Even small acts of self-care in your daily life can impact your energy and how you manage stress. 

    Case Management 

    Case managers help assess the areas that their clients need help with and connects them to services and resources, like health care, housing, mental health services and more! Case managers work closely with their clients and help with completing paperwork, providing information, and advocating on their behalf. 


    Psychotherapy, also commonly called “therapy,” provides a range of help for mental health with a trained mental health professional. Therapists help their clients explore their thoughts, feelings and behaviors, and work with their clients to help improve their overall wellbeing. 

    Support Groups 

    Support groups bring individuals with similar experiences and identities together to share their stories, experiences, and lives with one another. Support groups help us see that there are others who may dealing with similar situations and who in turn can help us get better. 


    A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in mental health, including substance use. They look at both the mental and physical sides of someone’s struggles with mental health. Psychiatrists may prescribe medication, like the way medications are used to treat physical health conditions. Medications are often used in combination with supports, such as psychotherapy. 


    Sometimes, a person’s mental health challenges can reach a point where they are at serious risk of hurting themselves or others. Hospitalization may happen when someone decides it is the best decision for themselves, or at the insistence of others, such as a professional or as a result of an encounter with a first responder. This may also be necessary even if the person does not want to go. In the hospital, the person receives closely monitored care from medical and mental health professionals who can help them until the person feels more stable. 

    Substance Use Treatment 

    There is a large variety of treatment options for those seeking support for substance use. For more information, visit: https://sapccis.ph.lacounty.gov/sbat/