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Human Dignity Program

Human Dignity Program

Long Beach GRIP Project
Diversity Acceptance & Training
Assistance Team
Community Harmony
Human Relations Commission

The Human Dignity Program demonstrates the City of Long Beach's commitment to embracing and valuing cultural diversity. The Program helps to prevent youth and gang violence, educates the community about cultural awareness and inclusion, responds to hate crimes and tensions before they escalate, mediates inter-cultural conflicts, and promotes community harmony.

City of Long Beach Human Dignity Policy, 1998
The City of Long Beach believes: "everyone should be treated with courtesy and respect, regardless of their racial background, their nation of origin, the religion they practice, their sexual orientation, gender, or disability status. It is the right of all residents to pursue their daily lives with the knowledge that they will not be threatened with violence or physical harm... The City will vigorously fight criminal activity known as hate crimes with all rexources at its disposal."

Diversity Poster
Program Flyer

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Complete the Project Proposal Form.

Questions? Comments? We would like to hear from you.

The Human Dignity Program
Teresa Gomez
Human Dignity Program Coordinator
100 W. Broadway, Suite 550
Long Beach, CA 90802 U.S.A.

Office: 562-570-6730
TTY: 562-570-6793