LBDHHS: Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services

CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

More Information

If you have questions or concerns about the early childhood education or K-12 guidance and recommendations, please contct your program or school administrator. If you would like to report issues or have further questions you can contact the health department at

When to Report

Early childhood education (ECE) programs, K-12 schools, and institutions of higher education (IHE) are required to notify the Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services when they meet the reporting threshold of three or more child, student, or staff cases of COVID-19 in the same setting (age group, class, grade, room number, sports team, club, dorm, etc.) within a 7-day period.

Use the drop down menu below to see more information on current guidance and specific reporting requirements for ECE programs, K-12 schools, and IHE.

How to Report

The Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services utilizes the statewide COVID-19 reporting system, SPOT (Shared Portal for Outbreak Tracking).

SPOT allows Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs, K-12 schools, and Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) to send information to California’s secure public health data management system called CalCONNECT, where Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services (LBDHHS) can efficiently review reports and determine if additional guidance is needed.


COVID-19 Reporting Toolkit

ARI Reporting Toolkit for ECE, K-12, and IHE

One Page SPOT Quick Guide

For additional questions or assistance using SPOT please contact Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services at (562) 570-4302 or

  • Non-Outbreak

    Acute Respiratory Illness (ARI) Definition

    Has a new onset of two or more of the following symptoms: fever or chills, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, difficulty breathing, body aches; and/or has tested positive for a specific respiratory infection, such as COVID-19, influenza, RSV, or strep throat.:

    • Note: Does NOT apply to pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, tetanus, tuberculosis, smallpox, or polio.

    Non-Outbreak Guidance

    • If positive for COVID-19:

      • Parents/students/staff should immediately inform the site when they test positive for COVID-19 and were on site while infectious.

      • Students and staff can end isolation and return when:
        • Fever-free for 24 hours without medication, AND
        • Other symptoms are mild or improving
      • The person leaving isolation prior to 10 days from the date of a positive test and/or onset of symptoms must wear a mask when around others for the 10 days. Masking can end earlier if individual has 2 consecutive negative tests 24 hours apart.

      • If positive for COVID-19 but do not have symptoms (asymptomatic), staff and students are not required to isolate if wearing a high-quality mask in all settings when around others for 10 days after first testing positive.

      • Schools can continue to implement more protective policies including adhering to the prior guidance on isolation for those testing positive for COVID-19, particularly among high-risk settings with medically complex students.

      • Sites are recommended to notify students if they were exposed to COVID-19 so that they can take the appropriate steps to protect themselves and others. If an individual with COVID-19 participated in any games, performances, tournaments, competitions, or other activities involving other sites while symptomatic, it is recommended that the site notify the impacted groups or locations.

      • Sites are required to notify employees if they have been exposed to a known COVID-19 case in the workplace during the case’s infectious period per Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency Regulations.

    • Managing individuals who were exposed to COVID-19:
      • Students and staff exposed to COVID-19 are recommended to wear a well-fitted mask around others for 10 days

      • Monitor for symptoms for 10 days after exposure

      • Recommend testing 3-5 days after exposure. Staff exposed at work, must have access to testing available at no cost during paid time.

  • Outbreak

    ARI Outbreak Definition

    • 5 or more cases of ARI among an exposed group (i.e., individuals who were together in the same location when at least one person was sick) within a 7-day period.
      • In groups of fewer than 15 people an outbreak is defined as 3 or more cases of ARI among an exposed group within a 7-day period.
    • At least 10% of the average daily attendance are absent and/or report symptoms of and/or test positive for an acute respiratory illness within a 3-day period. 


    • Sites must report to the Health Department within 1 working day after identifying an outbreak

    • Report ARI outbreaks, inlcuding COVID-19, flu, and RSV through SPOT.

      • Complete all required fields
        • Key Point of Contact
          • First Name
          • Last Name
          • Email
          • Phone
          • Title/Role
        • Location of Exposure
          • Location Name
          • Location Type
          • Street
          • City
          • Zip/Postal Code
        • Exposure Information
          • Start Date of Exposure
          • Specific Place in Location
          • Number of COVID-19* Positive cases (*if not reporting a COVID-19 outbreak, input the number of ARI cases)
        • In the "Notes" section, include the following information:
          • Type of outbreak beign reported (COVID-19, flu, RSV, unspecified ARI)
          • Grade level
          • Classroom number
          • Total number of students in the Specific Place in Location (i.e. number of students and teachers in the classroom)
          • Whether testing has been reported for any cases
            • If yes, include number of students who tested positive and for what disease
          • Type of symptoms being reported
          • Example: Unspecified ARI outbreak report. Fifth grade class, room 17. total of 25 students and one teacher in classroom. No testing/results reported at this time. Cases reporting cough, fever, and chills.
        • Once submitted, the Health Department may contact you with additional instructions and/or implement additional control measures
        • Continue to send updated information through SPOT until outbreak is over

    Outbreak Control Measures

    Outbreak control measures all sites should follow in order to mitigate the ARI outbreak:

    • Must send an outbreak notification letter to exposed group

    • Require masking for 10 days from last exposure date

    • If positive COVID-19 cases reported, all exposed must test 3-5 days after last exposure

    • If outbreak illness is unknown, require COVID-19 testing for ill students/staff

    • Consider canceling group activities

    • Continue to monitor students and staff for illness and exclude those with ARI symptoms

    • Report to licensing, if applicable to the site

    • Outbreak is considered over when no new cases are identified for 7 days, unless otherwise specified by the Health Department

  • Additional Resources

    City of Long Beach

    California Department of Public Health (CDPH)