Planning and Research
Find Plans for the future of Long Beach Health, Housing, and Communities. View Reports on the current health of the City, and find health Data for all of California.
HIV/STD Strategy 2019-2022
Report from the Long Beach Comprehensive Planning Group on an HIV/STD strategy to significantly reduce the number of HIV and STD infections in the city.Strategic Plan
This is the 5 Year Strategic Plan for the Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services for 2021 to 2026.Community Health Improvement Plan
The Long Beach Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is a community-wide plan aimed at advancing the health of Long Beach through 2020.Be Safe
LBVPP - Long Beach Violence Prevention Plan.Mobility Element
The Mobility Element of the City's General Plan establishes the vision, goals, policies, and implementation measures required to improve and enhance the City’s local and regional transportation networks, transforming Long Beach.Housing Element
The Housing Element covers an eight year planning period from 2013 to 2021.Healthy Communities Policy
The Healthy Communities Policy establishes a framework for developing each neighborhood into a healthy, prosperous and livable community.Healthy Food & Beverage Policy
In an effort to fight childhood obesity, the City's Healthy Snack Food & Beverage Policy applies to all snack foods and beverages served at all youth-oriented meetings and classes, and to all snacks offered in vending machines located in public areas. -
Developing a Robust Mental Health System in Long Beach
Community Health Assessment
The Community Health Assessment paints a point-in-time picture of the health status of Long Beach. It serves to highlight social, economic, and health conditions that impact our community.2010 Health Statistics
Many elements contribute to the health of a city, including demographics, healthy lifestyles, disease trends, and environmental health.CX3: COMMUNITIES OF EXCELLENCE IN NUTRITION, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND OBESITY PROMOTION
Neighborhood assessments are designed to provide data and set priorities to improve the food and physical activity landscape for low-income neighborhoods.STD/HIV Monitoring Reports
The HIV/AIDS Monitoring Report provides AIDS Surveillance Program and HIV Testing Program data for the City of Long Beach.Long Beach Zika Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER)
CASPER is an epidemiologic tool developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to assess public health needs in both disaster and non-disaster settings. -
U.S. Census
The United States Census provides quick, easy acces to facts about people, business, and geography.California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
The California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) is the nation's largest state health survey and a critical source of data on Californians as well as on the state's various racial and ethnic groups.CDPH Open Data
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Open Data provides data related to key public health indicators including California demographics, our environment, population statistics and more.Live Well Long Beach
The City of Long Beach provides a platform for accessing community health indicator data, best practices for health, interventions, community health events, and local resources in the City of Long Beach and surrounding areas.