Shelter Plus Care Program
The Shelter Plus Care Program provides rental assistance for hard-to-serve homeless persons with disabilities in connection with supportive services funded from sources outside the program.Shelter Plus Care is a program designed to provide housing and supportive services on a long-term basis for homeless persons with disabilities, (primarily those with serious mental illness, chronic problems with alcohol and/or drugs, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or related diseases) and their families who are living in places not intended for human habitation (e.g., streets) or in emergency shelters. The program allows for a variety of housing choices, and a range of supportive services funded by other sources, in response to the needs of the hard-to-reach homeless population with disabilities.
The HACLB offers rental assistance payments through three components:
- Tenant-based Rental Assistance (TRA)
- Sponsor-based Rental Assistance (SRA)
- Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program for Single Room Occupancy Dwellings
Multi-Service Center
1301 W. 12th Street
Long Beach, California 90813
Phone: (562) 570-4500
Street Outreach Hotline: (562) 570-4MSC
Long Beach, California 90813
Phone: (562) 570-4500
Street Outreach Hotline: (562) 570-4MSC