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School Walking Routes

Take time to be safe everyday! The following recommended safety tips are for students, parents and guardians to follow while traveling to and from school. Please also find the Suggested Walking Route Map to your school below and visit our Bike and Pedestrian Safety page with even more tips!

For more information regarding the Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee, please contact Teresa Dennis at (562) 570-6331 or teresa.dennis@longbeach.gov .

For Students:

Biking, walking, skating and push scooters are fun and healthy ways to get to and from school!

  1.  Find your school’s Suggested Walking Route Map below.  
  2. Always obey all traffic signs, signals and crossing guards.
  3. Try to only cross large streets where there is a signal or crossing guard.
  4. Remember to be careful at intersections.
  5. Make sure to be extra cautious around parking lots and when approaching driveways while walking, skating, or biking.
  6. Make eye contact with drivers as your walk, bike, and skate in the crosswalk.
  7. Ride your bike in a bike lane, on a bike boulevard, or stay to the right when riding.
  8. Lock your bike when it's not in use.  
  9. All bicycle riders under 18 years old must wear a helmet, but encourage your parents to wear them too!
  10. Be aware of your surroundings while waiting at a bus stop. Either wait on the bus bench or stand away from the curb.

For Parents and Guardians

  1. Streets are for vehicles and bicycles. Skateboards and roller skates are not vehicles and should only be used on the sidewalk.
  2. Double-parking your car can cause other drivers to make unpredictable moves that may put children at risk. Park only where it is permitted.
  3. Always use seatbelts and properly installed car seats.
  4. Always know where your child is when they are not in school or at home.
  5. When visibility is poor in foggy or stormy weather, accompany your child to and from school.
  6. Teach your children to only cross the street at an intersection. They should be instructed to always stop at the curb, listen for cars, and walk (not run) to cross.
  7. If your child bikes or skates, periodically check and maintain the equipment to ensure that their equipment is fully operational.
  8. Teach your child proper bike signals if they are old enough to ride their bikes in the roadway. You can find hand signals and other tips on our Bike and Pedestrian Safety page.
  9. If possible, walk in groups. Help your child coordinate walking groups with friends and other parents to form a walking school bus.
  10. Walking, skating, or biking to school has so many benefits and can improve your child’s mental and physical health as well as maintaining a clean environment. Encourage your child to stay active and have fun!

Suggested Walking Routes Maps

The following maps were created by the Transportation Mobility Bureau in cooperation with Long Beach Unified School District.

Addams | Barton | Birney | Bixby | Bryant | Buffum | Burbank | Burcham | Burroughs | Butler | Carver | Chavez | Cubberley | Dooley | Edison | Emerson | Fremont | Gant | Garfield | Grant | Harte | Henry | Hudson | International | Keller | Kettering | King | Lafayette | Lee | Lincoln | LongFellow | Los Cerritos | Lowell | Mann | McKinley | Muir | Naples | Newcomb | Powell | Prisk | Robinson | Roosevelt | Signal Hill | Smith | Stevenson | Tincher | Twain | Webster | Whittier | Willard