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Keystone Actions

The Safe Streets LB Action Plan proposes a series of Keystone Actions to move Long Beach towards zero traffic deaths and serious injuries. These actions are a first step toward making our streets safer for everyone.

Dedicating Resources to Vision Zero Actions - Human life is priceless; however, there are real costs associated with traffic fatalities and serious injuries, which burden individuals and their families in the form of lost wages, medical bills, damage to property, and emotional trauma. Dedication of resources will reduce this emotional and financial burden. Additional staff will ensure the City's day-to-day work aligns with the Action Plan's goals, while increased capital and grant funding can help fastrack safety projects and programs identified by the community.
  • Keystone Action #1: Dedicate Resources to Vision Zero
Building Safe Streets - We know that people make mistakes. Designing streets to promote safe interactions between all road users and to minimize the severity of collisions when they do occur is paramount to achieving Long Beach’s Vision Zero goal. The City of Long Beach is committed to building and operating streets that are safe for all—regardless of age, ability, or mode of transportation.
  • Keystone Action #2: Lower Vehicle Speeds
  • Keystone Action #3: Implement Best Practice Street Design
Promoting a Safety Culture - Even a transportation system designed to optimize safety requires that people use the system in a lawful and respectful manner. We must all contribute to a safety culture that values human life over expediency and empathy over self-interest. Everyone must think about their role in contributing to a safe transportation system. This means knowing and following the law, looking out for one another, and using good judgment.
  • Keystone Action #4: Expand Multimodal Safety Education Campaign
Improving Data and Transparency - Understanding where collisions happen, what factors contribute to collisions, and who was involved is critical to identifying the appropriate design and enforcement solutions. Collision data informed the actions in this plan and will continue to play an important role in crafting effective strategies to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries. The more complete and accurate the data is, the better we can respond, track, and communicate our progress.
  • Keystone Action #5: Collect Better Data to Make Better Decisions
Equity - The transportation system must work for everyone. We will prioritize infrastructure investments in disadvantaged communities and where people are disproportionately impacted by traffic collisions. Furthermore, we will ensure that enforcement efforts, which are an important component of Vision Zero, do not have unintended consequences in low income communities or communities of color.
  • Keystone Action #6: Prioritize Road Safety Investments through an Equity Lens
Enhancing Processes and Partnerships -  Our transportation system is complex. There are many entities that affect and are impacted by the system. This complexity demands a coordinated approach to ensure that all voices and interests are considered and that we are fully leveraging partnerships and funding opportunities that can help to advance our Vision Zero goal. The City of Long Beach will continue its partnerships with local and regional organizations and agencies, as well as forge new ones. The City will also reexamine its own processes and identify needed changes for a more coordinated and effective approach to road safety.
  • Keystone Action #7: Examine City Processes and Forge Partnerships at the Local, Regional and State Level to Support Safe Streets Implementation