Micro-Mobility Program (e-Scooters/E-Bikes)
The 2024 Shared Micromobility Program regulations can be found here.
Since August 7, 2020, Long Beach has had a permanent citywide Shared Micromobility Permit Program for electric scooter operations. Four Operators were selected through the Request for Proposal process, which allows Operators to apply for a 12-month Micromobility Permit. Through the City’s program, each Operator can deploy up to 1000 e-scooters. Deployment of the program’s e-scooters are only allowed on City pre-approved drop-zones. Operators are responsible for the maintenance, operations, and disinfecting of their fleet of e-scooters daily. Mobility staff will continue to monitor the program and provide recommendations on program changes to the City Council as necessary.
Go Long Beach App:
Residents and businesses are encouraged to report any e-scooter parking violations through the City’s Go Long Beach App. Once reported through the app, e-scooter vendors will typically remove the vehicle within 2 hours.
E-Scooter Vendor Contact Info:
The public should contact vendors directly regarding issues with vehicle maintenance, billing, and questions regarding pricing and user apps.
Lime: support@li.me 1-888-LIME-345
VeoRide: LBCops@veoride.com 1-855-836-2256
E-Scooter Reduced Fare Programs:
Bird Community PricingLime Access
Veo Access
Micro-Mobility FAQ
Where Can I Ride An E-Scooter?
It is illegal for e-scooter users to ride on the sidewalk (CVC 21235g). Riders must use a bike lane whenever possible or ride in a vehicle travel lane on streets 25 MPH or under (CVC 21229 and CVC 21235b). Visit the E-Scooter Safety Tips page for more info.
Which E-Scooters Companies Operate In Long Beach?
Bird, Lime, and VeoRide are participating in the program.
How Much Does It Cost?
Each vendor sets their own pricing, but most charge riders an initial fee with additional fees per minute. Please check the respectable e-scooter apps for more information before riding.
How Fast Do The E-Scooters Go?
All vendors participating in the pilot are required to limit e-scooter speeds to 15mph. This is also mandated by California Vehicle Code 22411.
Can Children Ride E-Scooters?
No. Riders in Long Beach must be 18 years of age and in possession of a driver license per California Vehicle Code 21235d. Double riding is also illegal per CVC 21235 e.
Where Can I Park An E-Scooter?
Riders are encouraged to park their scooters in designated locations that appear in the e-scooter vendors apps. Riders should never park their scooter where it could block pedestrian and wheelchair access. (CVC 21235i).
Can Two People Ride On One Scooter?
No. Only one person is allowed to ride a scooter at a time regardless of age (CVC 21235 e).
Do I Need To Wear A Helmet?
Helmets are always encouraged and can be provided free-of-charge per request from an operator. However, as of January 1, 2019, it is no longer mandatory to wear a helmet on an e-scooter in California.
Who Do I Contact If I Have Any Questions?
Riders and residents are encouraged to email E-ScooterShare@longbeach.gov with any questions or issues about the overall program. Questions regarding billing, pricing, or equipment should be sent directly to the respective e-scooter vendor:
Bird: hello@bird.co 1-866-205-2442
Lime: support@li.me 1-888-LIME-345
VeoRide: LBC@veoride.com 1-855-836-2256