Long Beach
Fire Department

Fire Headquarters
3205 Lakewood Boulevard
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 570-2500
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEPress Release # 06072016A
Celebrate the 4th of July...But Follow the Law!
Jake Heflin
(562) 760-6950
Long Beach Fire Department

All fireworks are illegal in the City of Long Beach, and can be dangerous. Even those deemed "Safe and Sane" fireworks and sparklers can be harmful. These “store-bought” ground-based fireworks can often result in serious burns, hearing loss and other injuries.

Fireworks are a traditional part of America’s Fourth of July celebration, yet every year people take needless risks when they celebrate the Fourth of July.

Here's a sobering look at the dangers of fireworks:

• In 2011, fireworks caused an estimated 17,800 reported fires, including
1,200 structure fires, 400 vehicle fires, and 16,300 outside and other fires.

• These fires resulted in an estimated 40 civilian injuries and $32 million in
direct property damage.

• On Independence Day in a typical year, fireworks account for two out of five
of all reported fires, more than any other cause of fire

• In 2013, U.S. hospital emergency rooms saw an estimated 11,400 people for fireworks related injuries. 

• Over three out of five (62%) of the 2013 fireworks injuries were burns, while just
over one-fifth (22%) were contusions or lacerations.

• Two out of five (40%) people injured by fireworks were under the age of 15.

• Males accounted for three-fifths (57%) of the injuries.

• The risk of fireworks injury was highest for the 0-4 age group, followed by children 10 to 14 years of age.

• Sparklers alone accounted for 41% of the emergency room fireworks injuries in
2013. Sparklers accounted for four out of five (79%) of the injuries to children under five.

For more information on fireworks safety please visit the National Fire Protection Association.

The National Council of Fireworks Safety reports that for the past several years, there has been a decreasing trend in the fireworks injury rates. A major reason has been the increasing popularity of professional fireworks shows, which residents are encouraged to attend.

Every year, about 50 professional shows are held throughout the Greater Los Angeles area on the Fourth of July, including shows in and around Long Beach.

Check www.longbeach.gov or your local newspaper for more information. Please leave the fireworks shows to the professionals and stay safe.