All Fireworks are Illegal in the City of Long Beach
With the 4th of July holiday fast approaching, the Long Beach Fire and Police Departments would like to remind residents and visitors that all fireworks, including those marked “Safe and Sane,” are ILLEGAL in the City of Long Beach.
The Fire and Police Departments will be out in force the days leading up to and on July 4th to ensure compliance of the Long Beach City Ordinance that bans fireworks. Although both Departments seek voluntary compliance to ensure public safety, this duty often requires strict enforcement of all laws through arrest and citations. Anyone cited or arrested for fireworks violations may be faced with a $1,000 fine, sentenced to jail for six months, or both . The fines and penalties may increase depending on the fireworks’ classification.
Fireworks may be voluntarily disposed of at collection bins located at all fire stations, Lifeguard Headquarters from 8:00am-8:00pm (2100 E. Ocean Boulevard, on the West side of the Junipero lot), or any police station.
If you or your neighbor would like flyers, posters, or yard signs to post in your home/neighborhood you can pick them up at Fire Headquarters (3205 Lakewood Blvd.) starting June 12, 2017 to July 3, 2017 from 7:30am-4:30pm or at the Neighborhood Resource Center (100 W. Broadway, Suite 550) starting June 12, 2017 to July 3, 2017 from 8:00am-5:00pm. You can also call and reserve them from the Neighborhood Resource Center at (562)570-1010.
You can also find digital versions of our flyer below:
If you See Something, Say Something! Call Long Beach Police Dispatch at (562) 435-6711 or 9-1-1 if you observe dangerous or illegal activities. Together, we can enjoy a safe holiday!
About Long Beach Fire Department
The mission of the Long Beach Fire Department is to protect lives, property, and the environment, improving the quality of life and safety of the community and our visitors. For more information, please visit us at, "Like" us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram.