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Accounting Bureau

The Mission of the Accounting Bureau is to achieve excellence 
in the delivery of accounting and financial services by: 

Ensuring the City’s financial integrity by adhering to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles,  accounting standards and best practices;

Providing exceptional customer service, training, and development of
 efficiencies through cooperation 
and consultation;

Furnishing solutions, not roadblocks, while supporting departments with the delivery of their core services;

Providing accurate and relevant financial information; and

Evaluating and developing appropriate internal control.  

The Accounting Bureau is responsible for:  

•  Financial Reporting    •  Accounts Payable    •  Payroll  •  General Accounting 
     Special and Grants Accounting  •  Capital Improvements Project Accounting 
 •  Financial Policies and Procedures  •  Assists with City financing, annual budget and
•  other special projects

Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports

Indirect Cost Plan / Full Cost Allocation Plan

Single Audit

Accounts Payable Division

For vendors inquiring about account payment status, please email your requests to
FM-AcctsPay@longbeach.gov. To ensure prompt response, all inquiries must be accompanied by the following information:

» Company name and reply to email address;
» City of Long Beach Purchase Order number; 
» Company's invoice numbers; and 
» City department responsible for ordered goods or services.