Update/Close Your License
Licensees are required to notify Business License of any changes to their business that affects their license. Some changes may have little impact on the business license while others may require additional fees or a new application. If you have a current Long Beach business license and any of the changes below have occurred, please refer to the information below:
- Change of legal entity name or DBA
- Change location or expansion
- Update or change to entity owners/officers
- Update existing business activity (i.e. a restaurant adding live entertainment to their current operations)
- Update contact information (telephone number, email address or mailing address)
Changes to Your Business License
Changes that Require a New ApplicationThe following changes to your business require you to submit a new business license application:
Changes that Require a NotificationThe following changes to your business require you to send a notification to the
To make changes to your account, please complete the Business License Account Updates Form online. This form is also available for download in the following languages: English, Khmer, Spanish and Tagalog. Email: lbbiz@longbeach.gov |
Closing Your Existing Business License
If your business has closed or if you are interested in withdrawing your pending application, you must submit an Out of Business Notification Form.Before closing your business license...
- Make sure that there are no unpaid taxes or fees on your business license account. Even though your license will no longer be active, any unpaid taxes and fees while you were still in operation will be passed onto Collections.
- Are you changing ownership? Check if the license is transferable. Cannabis business licenses, commercial industrial rental licenses, and residential rental (apartment house) licenses are transferable. Taxes paid on these accounts for the year may transfer over to the new owners if the license hasn't expired.
- Gather additional documentation. In some instances, Business License may require proof that your business has closed. This can be in the form of utility shut off records, lease agreements, written documentation between the landord and tenant, or some other documentation.
Submit an out of business form
You can submit the Out of Business Notification Form in-person, by mail, or by email.
In-Person or by mail
Business License Division
411 W. Ocean Blvd., 2nd Floor
Long Beach, CA 90802