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2024 Year In Review

Release Date: 2024-12-31

Dear neighbor,

I am halfway through my first full term serving as your representative and I am proud of the work we have done, together as one. As 2024 comes to a close, I want to reflect on our work together. You can view last year’s (2023) End of Year report here.

I pride myself on being a leader that prioritizes people, who focuses on solutions, and builds strong partnerships and collaborations throughout the community. I believe that despite the many challenges we have faced, the state of the first district is resilient as we continue to build towards a stronger future.

Some focus areas I would like to highlight of our work together include:

  1. Legislative Initiatives - Responding to & Advocating for Community Needs

  2. Strong Community Partnerships & Engagement Initiatives

  3. Revamped Field Operations in the District One Office

  4. Planning for a Resilient District, Together as One

District One would not be the great district it is without you: the residents and stakeholders that make up our vibrant and thriving community. I want to thank you for entrusting me to represent you; I am deeply honored and humbled. I look forward to continuing to serve you in 2025.

1. Legislative Initiatives- Responding to & Advocating for Community Needs

This year, I led and signed on to a number of important legislative initiatives to address the district’s most pressing needs. We also experienced the first reduction of homelessness in nearly a decade following the State of Emergency on Homelessness that I led on with Mayor Rex Richardson. We have continued to sharpen our focus on growing Long Beach economically and improving city services with voter-approved charter amendments to our hiring process and widening our revenue sourcing by removing an exemption for two natural gas fueled electric power plants.

When it comes to our downtown, since launching the Roadmap to Downtown Recovery last year our economic growth has been promising. According to a report by Kleinhenz Economics, $2 billion in economic impact was generated by visitors for our city. We continue to see record-breaking attendance at special events and attract major conventions. We also celebrated the opening of  the five-star Fairmont Breakers Hotel, a much welcomed return to Ocean Boulevard. This is just the beginning as we close out the RFP process for the Queen Mary Amphitheater and continue to grow Long Beach into 2025 and beyond.

  • Enhanced Code Enforcement Ordinance (Sponsored)

    A request for a comprehensive ordinance update for enhanced code enforcement, blight reduction, and revitalization of vacant lots and storefronts, and close loopholes. We need to provide both incentives and take prohibitive measures to ensure quality of life for our neighborhoods.

  • Smash & Grab Legislation (Co-Sponsored)

    A request for Intergovernmental Affairs Committee to review proposed legislation on retail theft, drug use, and smash and grab crimes.

  • Advancing Affordable Housing Production and Homeownership Opportunities (Co-Sponsored)

    A request to explore and report back with recommendations to speed up the development of new affordable housing, increase the supply of affordable units, increase incentives for the development of both ownership and affordable rental housing, support the preservation of existing affordable units, and empower the Community Development Department to improve the affordable housing environment.

  • Seasonal Flooding Preparedness (Sponsored)

    A recommendation for a presentation regarding the localized flooding management response plan, and report back.

  • Illegal Dumping of Construction Waste and Debris Outreach and Fines (Co-Sponsored)

    A recommendation for educating private contractors and the general public on how and where to appropriately dispose of construction waste and debris from residential and commercial improvements projects; and to assess the feasibility of increasing fines on illegal dumping within city limits.

  • Local Temporary Cannabis Special Events Permits (Co-Sponsored)

    A recommendation to request the City Manager to work with the Office of Cannabis Oversight and relevant departments to conduct a feasibility study on hosting temporary cannabis special events within City limits, including types of appropriate venues.

Other Policy Highlights:

  • City Council Chronicles Newsletter Addition - A Recap of Key Council Decisions delivered weekly to your inbox.

  • Monthly Legislative Updates - A monthly recap of all legislative wins sent to community leaders and stakeholders.

  • 2024 State of the District - Held at the Museum of Latin American Art with over 200 attendees, this included presentations from Department leadership and an appearance from our City Manager.

2. Strong Community Partnerships & Engagement Initiatives

Community engagement is a cornerstone of my service to empower community members with the tools they need to advocate for their neighborhoods. This year, I launched important initiatives to meet residents where they are at and hear directly from them. This includes my Friends in the Field campaign that allows my team to meet constituents where they are and support local businesses. I also launched Stakeholder Call Time, where I take time for 1-on-1 calls with community members. These calls are time for me to hear your concerns directly and provide you personal time with your elected official. If you are interested in signing up for a call with me please register here

Beginning in 2025, I plan to launch District One Leader Trainings and regularly occurring District One Leader check-ins. I’ve heard of the need to organize our leaders in a more meaningful way. I believe these coordinated efforts will ensure the district receives the services that we deserve. Stay tuned for these campaigns to roll out in Quarter One of 2025.

3. Revamped Field Operations in the District One Office

In 2024, I enhanced my office’s approach to connecting with you to better serve the district. My revamped field operations for my office included hiring a full-time Field Deputy, a part-time Community Engagement Deputy, and a robust Community Engagement Intern program with Cal State Long Beach Political Science Department and UC Irvine. I am proud that four of my five staff are District One residents and can truly empathize with the concerns of the district. Additionally, my Chief of Staff has been with me for over two years truly lending towards a solid foundation to serve the district.  

Together, my Field Deputy and Community Engagement Interns participate in “Field Fridays” where they go into the district and check up on concerns that you have shared with our office, as well as address issues they see like dumped items and graffiti.

In addition, as part of the 2024 Fiscal Year budget, Council approved enhancements of the Go Long Beach Customer Relationships Management Software System to include City Council legislative offices. My office has partnered with the office of Mayor Rex Richardson to pilot this new way of integrating GO Long Beach into our current constituent casework processes. This enhancement will help streamline the City’s response efforts through a more a synchronized way of tracking issues in the community.

4. Planning for a Resilient District, Together as One

District One continues to be a hub of growth and development. From the Downtown core to the Northern Border near the Washington Neighborhood, District one serves as the economic driver for the entire city. With major development in the works, I have worked hard to plan for a resilient district and ensure limited disruption and displacement. That is why in September I convened a professionally facilitated Community Visioning Workshop with leaders and stakeholders from across the district. It was an inspiring day of collaboration, where we came together to discuss key policy issues and co-create a shared vision for our community’s future. Your voices and ideas are the foundation of the change we’ll build together! I look forward to submitting a report to attendees in Quarter One of 2025 that will include a policy roadmap to guide my next two years in office.

Planning Efforts Highlights: