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In 2016, Long Beach voters recognized a pressing need to maintain and enhance public safety services and invest in City infrastructure. Thanks to the passage of Measure A, Fire Engine 8, Fire Engine 17, Paramedic Rescue 12, South Division, and Police Academy operations have been restored, enhancing public safety citywide. The City is also making a historic investment in revitalizing heavily utilized public spaces such as streets, libraries, community centers, and parks. In 2019, the re-opening costs for Community Hospital of Long Beach were added to the approved uses for Measure A funds. Measure A was originally intended to sunset after 10 years; however, in March 2020, voters approved a permanent extension, which keeps Measure A in effect unless voters decide to end it.

  • How Much Does Measure A Raise Per Year?

    Measure A Revenue

    The Measure A extension approved by voters is anticipated to generate an estimate of $71.96 million in Fiscal Year 23. Between FY 24 and FY 27, Measure A will drop to a projected annual average revenue of approximately $71.56 million. This is due to County Measure H, which was approved prior to the 2020 voter change to Measure A, and levies a ¼ percent rate, which will result in Measure A to drop from 1% to 0.75% to stay within the tax rate limit. Measure A will return to the full 1% rate in FY 28 when County Measure H sunsets.

  • How Will Measure A Funds Be Spent?

    City Council has expressed its intent to prioritize spending of Measure A funds for the following purposes:

    • Public Safety, including police patrol, response, investigation, apprehension and law enforcement, police academies, emergency 9-1-1 response, fire prevention and suppression services, paramedic services, and ambulance services.
    • Public Infrastructure, including the costs of improving and maintaining streets, sidewalks and alleys; parks, libraries, senior centers, fire and police stations, and other City facilities; and improving and upgrading storm water/storm drain systems.
    • Reopening costs for Community Hospital of Long Beach
    • In addition, there are expenses related to administration and tracking of the tax that includes support to the Citizens’ Advisory Committee. Further, 1% of the tax will be deposited into a special Rainy Day fund to help balance future General Fund shortfalls pursuant to Measure B.
  • Who Is Providing Oversight Of Measure A?

    Measure A established a five-member Citizens’ Advisory Committee to periodically review the City’s use of revenues generated by the tax and make recommendations to the City Council with regard to the use of the tax. The members of the Citizens’ Advisory Committee are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council.

  • What Is Measure B? (2016)

    Measure B is a companion ballot initiative to Measure A. Approved by Long Beach voters on June 7, 2016, Measure B established a budget stabilization, or “rainy day” fund. The fund receives automatic deposits/transfers of one percent of any new general tax revenues generated each year, commencing with Fiscal Year 2017-2018. This includes new revenues from Measure A.

    Measure B funds may be used to pay for future City operations and services that might otherwise be reduced in scope, suspended or eliminated due to unanticipated shortfalls in general fund revenues, whether caused by economic recession or other financial hardship of the City.

  • Where Can I View The Ballot Measure and Accompanying Ordinances For Measure A?

    February 23, 2016, Resolution No. RES-16-0017. City Council approved the placement of a general tax measure (Measure A) and establishing a “Rainy Day” fund, on the ballot of the June 7, 2016 regular election.

    February 23, 2016, Resolution No. RES-16-0018. City Council expressed the intent of spending for the uses of Measure A revenue.

    April 5, 2016, Resolution No. RES-16-0033. City Council approved the establishment of a Transactions and Use Tax Citizens’ Advisory Committee upon the passage of Measure A.

    July 16, 2019, Resolution No. RES-19-0107. City Council made findings of fiscal emergency and approved the placement of the Measure A sales tax extension and adjustment on the ballot of the March 3, 2020 Special Municipal Election.

    August 20, 2019, Resolution No. RES-19-0127. City Council expressed the intent of spending for uses of Measure A revenue, including the re-opening costs for Community Hospital of Long Beach.