Personal Cultivation
Under the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA), adults can grow cannabis legally at home. Here's what you should know:- Must be at least 21 years old to grow cannabis at home
- Can only grow, harvest, dry, or process up to six (6) plants at one time per residence
- Plants must be kept in a locked space
- Plants cannot be visible from the public right-of-way
- Plants can be grown indoors or outdoors
- Plants can only be grown in or upon the grounds at your private residence
If you rent, be sure to speak to your landlord first! Landlords still have the right to prohibit you from growing cannabis on their property.
You cannot grow cannabis to sell. Cannabis can only be grown at a private residence for your personal use. Any commercial cannabis activity requires a license from the City of Long Beach and State of California. Licenses for commercial cannabis activity will not be issued for a private residence.
If you are growing indoors, be sure that you are not creating any health or safety risks including using too much electricity and ensuring the space is properly ventilated to prevent mold and mildew. If you are concerned about the amount of electricity that you should be using, please contact Southern California Edison at 1-800-655-4555.
Interested in reading the law for yourself? Read California Health and Safety Code Section 11362.1.
Top 10 Signs that a House May be Being Used as an Illegal Grow Operation
It is important for neighbors to recognize when a private residence may be used for an illegal commercial cultivation business. Be sure to look out for these top signs:
- House does not have a "lived in" feel. Many grow operations do not have people living inside the house.
- Unusual visitor behavior. Typically, home grow operations will have people coming by in the middle of the night or on rotation throughout the day.
- Constant noise. Ventilation units may be running through all hours of the day and night.
- Covered windows. The windows are covered in plastic or very heavy curtains to not let any light in. The blinds or window coverings are never open.
- Condensation. Humidity inside a grow room causes condensation on windows and walls that result in mold, mildew, and rot.
- Random power surges. Neighbors may experience unexplained power surges or power decreases with the return of normal power flow approximately 12 hours later.
- "Beware of Dog" signs. Used to deter trespassing and protect against theft and detection by police.
- Odd odor. Typically, a grow house will have a very strong smell of cannabis odor, which can be described as a skunk like smell.
- Property History. Properties used previously as grow operations are known amongst criminal groups and are used repeatedly.
- Unusual Lighting. Bright lights may be seen from some or all of the windows, which may turn on or off at the same time, or may be left on continuously.