Long Beach - The Office of the City Clerk has partnered with the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk (RR/CC) to place 16 Vote By Mail drop box locations in Long Beach for the Presidential General Election.
Beginning in the Presidential General Election, all registered voters will be mailed a Vote by Mail ballot to ensure they have a safe and accessible voting option during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this election, the RR/CC also will expand the number of drop-off locations throughout the county so voters have additional methods to return their completed ballots. Sixteen drop box locations, all available 24 hours per day, seven days per week, will be distributed throughout Long Beach for the safe and convenient submission of completed ballots. Completed ballots also can be returned by mail (no postage required) or in-person at any Vote Center.
The 16 drop box locations in Long Beach include:For a current list of Los Angeles County 24-Hour Vote by Mail drop boxes, to check your registration information or request a ballot in a different language, please visit lavote.net.