As part of the City's commitment to provide service to the community, the Census team has made a number of resources available to both our community partners and the public. Learn more about all of the resources we are providing below.
Outreach Materials
Flyers, posters, stickers and other materials used for conducting outreach are available for downloading and distribution.
Training Materials
Training presentations and videos are available for downloading and use by your own organization to get volunteers and community members involved in census outreach.
Media Gallery
Photos and videos are available for your reference and use in census outreach activities.
Reporting Guide for Census Partners
Community partners who are conducting outreach about the census should report their activities to the City. We have made it easy to tell us about the work you've done by providing a short form to submit to us.
State and Regional Partners
Learn more about all of our regional, state and federal partners who are collaborating to get Long Beach counted!
Map Gallery
Learn more about how different areas of the city will be affected by the census.
ConnectedLB Platform
The ConnectedLB Platform allows Long Beach residents to find low-cost Internet services and computers in their local neighborhoods by entering their zip code. Long Beach residents may qualify for low-cost Internet services and computers based on verification of income status and household participation in public benefit programs.