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Long Beach Complete Count Committee (LBCCC)

Long Beach Complete Count Committee (LB CCC)

  • More about the Long Beach Complete Count Committee

    The 2020 Census can be a way for historically Hard-To-Count communities to step into their rightful place in the fabric of the City. The census is an opportunity for everyone to participate in and be leaders for ensuring that every person in Long Beach is seen and valued as a contributor to the social, economic, democratic, and civic well-being of the City.   

    The Long Beach Complete Count Committee (LB CCC) is working in alignment with federal, state and regional planning around the 2020 Census. The LB CCC is organized around the anchor collaborative model. The collaborative model is central to the City of Long Beach’s entire Census initiative. Two anchor institutions of Long Beach, the City and the Long Beach Unified School District, jointly convened a body of stakeholders made up of anchor institutions from diverse sectors across the city and specifically designed to focus on Long Beach's unique undercounted communities. The broader community will be engaged through LB CCC and other active community groups who have relationships and trust with communities who are more likely to be undercounted. 

    The LB CCC, acting as representatives of both the anchor institutions and the community at large, has adopted the goals and objectives that drive the Strategic and Implementation Plans. The members of the LB CCC have worked and continue to work to develop specific and customized communications and outreach plans to reach each of Long Beach’s unique populations. 

  • Long Beach Complete Count Committee Members

    As of: September 10, 2019

    City of Long Beach, Co-Chair
    Long Beach Unified School District, Co-Chair

    Local Business and Workforce

    These organizations are conveners of businesses, workforce development, and recruitment efforts in Long Beach. Together, they are leading efforts to support census recruitment, as well as engage businesses in contributing to outreach efforts. 

    Long Beach Council of Business Associations
    Long Beach Chamber of Commerce
    Economic Development, City of Long Beach
    Pacific Gateway, City of Long Beach

    Community-Based and Faith-Based Organizations

    These organizations are community-based and faith-based nonprofits who are trusted messengers in their communities. Together, they are coordinating to be the leading voice in hard-to-count areas of the city.

    Centro CHA
    Long Beach Immigrant Rights Coalition
    Long Beach Forward
    Long Beach Community Action Partnership
    United Cambodian Community
    Salvation Army, Long Beach
    We Love Long Beach
    The Long Beach Minister’s Alliance
    Success in Challenges
    NAACP, Long Beach Branch

    Housing and Neighborhoods

    These organizations are key housing and neighborhood management agencies in the city, especially for hard-to-count populations. Together, they are building messaging and plans for census outreach to their constituents.

    Housing Authority of the City of Long Beach
    Century Villages at Cabrillo
    Neighborhood Services, City of Long Beach

    Intergovernmental Organizations

    These offices and organizations are connected to political organizers and resources. Together, they are building messaging and plans for census outreach to their constituents.  

    City of Long Beach
    Office of Congressman Alan Lowenthal
    Offce of Speaker Anthony Rendon
    Offce of Assembly Member Patrick O'Donnell
    Office of Supervisor Janice Hahn
    Senator Tom Umberg's Office
    Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority
    California Complete Count Census Office, Regional Office
    Long Beach Transit

    Public Health

    These healthcare providers are the anchor institutions of the local healthcare system in Long Beach. Together, they are building strategies and sharing resources for conducting outreach to their patients.  

    St. Mary Medical Center
    The Children’s Clinic
    Memorial Care, Long Beach Medical Center
    Veteran's Affairs Long Beach Health Care System
    Health and Human Services, City of Long Beach


    These schools serve as trusted messengers by providing education to nearly all youth in Long Beach. Together, they are building messaging and outreach plans for both the youth and their parents about the importance of responding to the census.

    Long Beach Early Childhood Education Committee
    Long Beach Unified School District
    California State University, Long Beach
    Long Beach City College

    Technology and Equitable Access

    These organizations promote accessibility within Long Beach by providing access to the internet and other crucial resources. Together, they are developing ways to promote accessibility to residents in the city for the purposes of responding to the census. 

    Citywide Accessibility Coordinator, City of Long Beach
    Frontier Communications
    YMCA of Greater Long Beach
    Library Services, City of Long Beach
    Office of Equity, City of Long Beach
    Technology and Innovation, City of Long Beach

    Public Engagement (Media, Volunteers and Special Events)

    These organizations promote the public's engagement in activities around the city. Together, they are developing ways to engage media, volunteers, and special events in census outreach and efforts.  

    Office of Public Affairs, City of Long Beach

  • LB CCC Goals and Objectives for 2020 Census

    VISION: Everyone Counts in Long Beach  

    MISSION: To ensure each and every person from newborn up is counted

    Goal 1: Count everyone  

    1. Align with existing Census efforts  
    2. Cultivate resources, services, and partnerships  
    3. Challenge all members to do outreach  
    4. Work with trusted messengers  

    Goal 2: Focus on HTC Populations  

    1. Identify specific populations  
    2. Customize messages for different groups   
    3. Conduct grassroots outreach for HTC populations  
    4. Leverage many resources to reach HTC populations  

    Goal 3: Nurture a Local Census Workforce  

    1. Engage Pacific Gateway  
    2. Partner with LB CCC organizations to connect to employees  
    3. Hire and train people from HTC communities  
    4. Assist local Census employees beyond the Census effort  

    Goal 4: Implement Strategically  

    1. Build LB CCC member partnerships  
    2. Develop and deploy shared resources  
    3. Evaluate effectiveness of the LB CCC activities  
    4. Retain engagement through Census 2020  

    Full version of Goals and Objectives, adopted 8/30/2019

  • LB CCC Strategic and Implementation Plans for 2020 Census

    Memo to City Council

    Full version of Strategic Plan, adopted 8/30/2019

    Full version of Implementation Plan, adopted 12/6/2019

  • Weekly Self-Response Reports

    The LB CCC has been keeping up with the self-response rate in Long Beach, and now so can you! Below is a list of the self response rates during recent months. Check this list periodically for updates.

    Long Beach 2020 Census Response Rate as of 7/20/20
    Long Beach 2020 Census Response Rate as of 7/8/20
    Long Beach 2020 Census Response Rate as of 7/1/20
    Long Beach 2020 Census Response Rate as of 6/25/20
    Long Beach 2020 Census Response Rate as of 6/10/20
    Long Beach 2020 Census Response Rate as of 5/27/20
    Long Beach 2020 Census Response Rate as of  5/20/20
    Long Beach 2020 Census Response Rate as of 5/6/20
    Long Beach 2020 Census Response Rate as of 4/29/20
    Long Beach 2020 Census Response Rate as of 4/24/20


LB-CCC Kickoff: Friday, August 9, 2019 – 9:30am

Jenny Oropeza Community Center (401 Golden Ave, Long Beach, CA 90802)
Meeting Agenda
City Manager Presentation
Photos of Event

Meeting #2: Friday, August 30, 2019 – 9:00am

Pacific Gateway (4811 Airport Plaza Dr., Long Beach, CA 90815)
Meeting Agenda
Photos of Event

Meeting #3: Friday, September 27, 2019 – 9:00am

Long Beach Community College – Pacific Coast Campus (1305 E Pacific Coast Hwy, Long Beach, CA 90806)
Meeting Agenda

Meeting #4: Postponed Until November

Meeting #5: Friday, November 15, 2019 – 9:00am

California State University, Long Beach (1250 Bellflower Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90840)
Meeting Agenda
Workshop Handout

Meeting #6: Friday, December 6, 2019 – 9:00am

Billie Jean King Main Library (200 W Broadway, Long Beach, CA 90802)
Meeting Agenda
Photos of Event

Meeting #7: Friday, January 17, 2020 – 9:00am

Pacific Gateway (4811 Airport Plaza Dr., Long Beach, CA 90815)
Meeting Agenda

Meeting #8: Friday, February 21, 2020 – 9:00am

Pacific Gateway (4811 Airport Plaza Dr., Long Beach, CA 90815)
Pedersen Room

Meeting #9: Friday, March 20, 2020 – 9:00am

Pacific Gateway (4811 Airport Plaza Dr., Long Beach, CA 90815)
Pedersen Room

Meeting #10: Friday, April 17, 2020 – 9:00am

Pacific Gateway (4811 Airport Plaza Dr., Long Beach CA 90815)
Pedersen Room

Meeting #11: Friday, May 15, 2020 – 9:00am

Pacific Gateway (4811 Airport Plaza Dr., Long Beach CA 90815)
Pedersen Room

Meeting #12: Friday, June 19, 2020 – 9:00am

Pacific Gateway (4811 Airport Plaza Dr., Long Beach CA 90815)
Pedersen Room

Meeting #13: Friday, July 17, 2020 – 9:00am

Pacific Gateway (4811 Airport Plaza Dr., Long Beach CA 90815)
Pedersen Room

Meeting #14: Friday, August 21, 2020 – 9:00am

Pacific Gateway (4811 Airport Plaza Dr., Long Beach CA 90815)
Pedersen Room