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Long Beach 2020 Census
Self-Response by Census Tract
Click the map below to access the self-response rates from households that responded to the 2020 Census online, by mail, or by phone.
A Message From Deputy City Manager Kevin Jackson
Dear Long Beach Residents,
With the recent outbreak of COVID-19, also known as coronavirus, the City of Long Beach has taken proactive steps to mitigate the number of cases and help our residents adjust to recent changes encouraging physical distancing. Access to City Hall, the Port Administration Building, Libraries and other public facilities have been temporally closed to the general public. However, the City remains fully operational and continues to provide online services. To ease concerns for members of our community, the City has temporarily suspended street sweeping citations, as well as evictions and city-operated utility shutoffs for lack of payment. Additionally, the city is offering free parking permits for alternate city-owned lots and garages, citywide for residents in parking impacted areas.
For more information on the City’s response to COVID-19, please visit or call 562-570-INFO (4636).
While the City is managing the impact of COVID-19 to our community, I’m reaching out to reassure that getting every resident in Long Beach counted for the 2020 Census still remains a top priority.
Our team has been working with our community partners and City departments to reevaluate our outreach strategies by committing additional resources to digital communication and engagement. It has never been easier to complete the census form: you can fill out the 2020 Census online, over the phone, or by mail.
If you haven’t already received a letter in the mail, residents can now complete the census form online. Visit to complete the census form for you and everyone in your household: children, including infants, grandparents, siblings, roommates or anyone who will be living with you on April 1, 2020.
Recent events have shown us how critical funding is to support hospitals, schools, public transportation, affordable housing and small businesses in order to keep a society working for everyone, especially for our most vulnerable communities. If we all complete the census form, we can take control of our future no matter the circumstances.
Take the census today for your future, your family’s future and our community’s future.
Kevin Jackson
City of Long Beach Deputy City Manager