What are the hours for the City Attorney Office?
The City Attorney’s Office is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. If you wish to see an attorney or other staff member, please call 562-570-2200 to make an appointment. You should plan to be inside City Hall by 4:00 p.m. because the building entrances are closed by 4:30 p.m.
How can I serve a subpoena on the City?
Subpoenas are accepted at the City Attorney’s Office. Subpoenas must be hand delivered to 411 W. Ocean Blvd., 9th Floor, Long Beach, California 90802. Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (12:00-1:00 we are closed for lunch). Processing fee will apply. $15 for records and $275 for appearance and records. Please make check payable to City of Long Beach.
Subpoenas for appearance of a police officer must be served directly to the Police Department at 400 W. Broadway, Long Beach, California 90802. For any questions, please contact our office at 562 570-2200.
Who does the City Attorney work for?
Under the City's Charter, the City Attorney is the sole and exclusive legal advisor of the City. The City Attorney provides legal advice and support to the City Council and all City officers and employees relating to acts which are within the course and scope of their employment or official duties.
Can the City Attorney provide legal advice to private residents?
No. The City Attorney is legally prohibited from representing individuals in private legal matters. Attorneys in the office are only authorized to represent City officials, departments, agencies and employees in the course of their official acts or business. For general questions or seeking legal representation you can call the Los Angeles County Legal Aid Society (Long Beach Branch) at (562) 435-3501 or the Long Beach Bar Association Referral Service at (562) 988-1122.
What is the difference between the City Attorney and City Prosecutor?
The City Attorney is elected by the residents of the City of Long Beach. The attorneys in the office provide legal advice and services to the City Council, and City officials, departments, employees, boards and commissions. The City Prosecutor is also elected by the residents of the City of Long Beach. The City Prosecutor enforces the City municipal codes and investigates and prosecutes misdemeanor criminal activities occurring in the City of Long Beach. To contact the City Prosecutor's Office, you can call (562) 570-5600.
What is the difference between the City Attorney and the District Attorney?
The City Attorney is elected by the residents of the City of Long Beach and is the attorney for the City of Long Beach. The City Attorney provides legal services to the Mayor, City Council, and the various agencies, boards, commissions, committees and departments of the City of Long Beach. The District Attorney is an elected County official who prosecutes criminal laws throughout Los Angeles County. The District Attorney in Long Beach can be reached at (562) 247-2000.
Does the City handle landlord/rental issues?
No. This is a private civil matter that the City has no jurisdiction over. For general questions, you can call the Los Angeles County Legal Aid Society at (800) 399-4529 or the Long Beach Bar Association Referral Service at (562) 988-1122.
How can I receive a copy of a section of the Long Beach Municipal Code and/or the City Charter?
The Municipal Code and City Charter are available online at
How do I obtain public records?
I believe I have been damaged by the actions or negligence of the City or one of its employees and wish to file a claim against the City of Long Beach. How do I file a claim?
Pursuant to the California Government Tort Claims Act (Government Code sections 810-996.6), a claim must be filed if you are seeking money or damages from the City or one of its employees. With very limited exceptions, no lawsuit for money damages may be brought against the City or its employees unless a written claim has been properly filed with the City. Generally, these claims must be filed within six months of the occurrence that gives rise to the claim (See Government Code section 911.2).
WARNING: You should consult with an attorney to determine the time period for filing either a claim or a lawsuit.
The City of Long Beach has a standard claim form that can be used for your convenience. This form must be filed in person, or by mail, directly with the Long Beach City Clerk located at 333 West Ocean Boulevard, Plaza Level, Long Beach, CA 90802. The City will review, and where appropriate, take action on the claim. However, neither the City Attorney nor any other City official or employee can provide legal advice concerning the claim or litigation against the City.
Please print out the Claim Form, complete and sign it, and either deliver it directly to the City Clerk's office or return it by mail to the City Clerk's office at the address set forth above.
Download the Claim Form.
Where can I borrow or have access to law books?
Long Beach Public Library
101 Pacific Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90822
(562) 570-7500
www.lbpl.orgSuperior Court of the County of Los Angeles
South Judicial District
275 Magnolia, 3rd Floor (in the Mediation Office)
Long Beach, CA 90802
(562)508-4882 -
Where do I file a small claims action?
If the incident occurred in the City of Long Beach or if a defendant resides here, you can file your Small Claims Action at the Los Angeles Superior Court.
75000 East Imperial Hwy
Downey, California 90242
(562)803-7053 -
Who do I call to report a possible crime Or City Municipal Code violation?
Should the matter be an emergency, call 911. Reports or complaints concerning violations of any criminal law occurring in Long Beach should be made to the Long Beach Police Department by calling (562) 570-7260. Complaints regarding code enforcement activities should be made to the City's Code Enforcement Division at (562) 570-CODE (2633).
Who do I contact if a business in Long Beach has defaulted in performing a requested and paid for service and/or moved?
You can contact the California Department of Consumers Affairs at (800) 952-5210Call: (800) 952-5210 or visit their website at or the Better Business Bureau at (213) 631-3600 or visit their website at
Who do I contact if I need advice or a restraining order to prevent domestic violence?
You can contact the L.A. Domestic Violence Safety Plan Hotline at (800) 978-3600.
Who do I contact if I need legal representation in a criminal case and I cannot afford my own attorney?
Contact the County Public Defender's Office at (562) 247-2500.
Who do I contact regarding aircraft noise regulations, limits Or complaints?
You can call the Airport Noise Complaint Hotline at (562) 570-2665.
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